Catalogue Code: tE7659
Course Type: Generic Core Course
Total Credit: 2
No. of Hours: 30
Internal Marks: 100
External Marks : 40
Total Marks: 100
Experiential Learning: No
Primary Orientation of the Course: Other
Course Code: 701470206
Catalogue Code: tE7521
Course Type: Generic Core Course
Total Credit: 1
No. of Hours: 15
Internal Marks: 30
External Marks : 20
Total Marks: 50
Experiential Learning: No
Primary Orientation of the Course: Other
Course Code: 701470205
Catalogue Code: tE7509
Course Type: Generic Core Course
Total Credit: 4
No. of Hours: 60
Internal Marks: 120
External Marks : 80
Total Marks: 200
Experiential Learning: No
Primary Orientation of the Course: Other
Course Code: 701470204
Catalogue Code: tE7510
Course Type: Generic Core Course
Total Credit: 2
No. of Hours: 30
Internal Marks: 60
External Marks : 40
Total Marks: 100
Experiential Learning: No
Primary Orientation of the Course: Other
Course Code: 701470203
Catalogue Code: F0004
Course Type: Generic Core Course
Total Credit: 4
No. of Hours: 60
Internal Marks: 200
External Marks : 40
Total Marks: 200
Experiential Learning: No
Primary Orientation of the Course: Other
Course Code: 701470202
Catalogue Code: tE7520
Course Type: Generic Core Course
Total Credit: 4
No. of Hours: 60
Internal Marks: 120
External Marks : 80
Total Marks: 200
Experiential Learning: No
Primary Orientation of the Course: Other
Course Code: 701470201